Teacher Workshops and Presentations

aerial view of city buildings during daytime
aerial view of city buildings during daytime
Thinking Classically

In this workshop, teachers will consider the historical foundations of classical education with a reintroduction to the original liberal arts tradition. While looking at the actual purpose of classical education, we will also consider the impact of John Milton Gregory's Seven Laws of Teaching on the Classical Christian teacher's mindset.

Teaching Classically

While the philosophy and community of classical education are often discussed, the critical element of classical pedagogy is often overlooked. This workshop looks specifically at the difference between traditional and classical teaching as well as the application of Christopher Perrin's Eight Essential Principles of Classical Teaching.

vacant white painted classroom with chairs, tables , and map on the wall
vacant white painted classroom with chairs, tables , and map on the wall
black framed eyeglasses and black pen
black framed eyeglasses and black pen
Planning Classically

Classical teaching is not something one can just wander into - it requires careful thought and consideration. In this workshop, we will look at both the short-term elements and the long-term plans that must be considered to successfully lead your students to wonder.

clear hour glass beside pink flowers
clear hour glass beside pink flowers
Living Classically

It is very easy to be driven by the passion of "leading to wonder" that teachers can often forget to leave time and space for themselves to enjoy wonder.